Understanding Stasis Dermatitis Causes


Stasis dermatitis, also known as venous eczema, is a common skin condition that affects individuals with poor blood circulation in their legs. It typically occurs as a result of underlying venous insufficiency, where the blood fails to flow properly from the legs back to the heart. Truffles Vein Specialists is dedicated to providing exceptional care and treatment options for individuals struggling with stasis dermatitis. In this article, we will delve into the various causes of this condition and explore effective management techniques.

The Role of Venous Insufficiency

Stasis dermatitis is closely linked to venous insufficiency, a condition that impairs normal blood flow in the veins. When the veins in the legs are unable to efficiently pump blood back to the heart, it leads to pooling and increased pressure in the lower extremities. Over time, this elevated pressure causes the leakage of fluid and blood cells into the surrounding tissues, resulting in inflammation and the development of stasis dermatitis.

Potential Causes of Venous Insufficiency

The causes of venous insufficiency can vary, and it is important to identify and address them to effectively manage stasis dermatitis. Some common factors that contribute to venous insufficiency include:

  • Prolonged periods of standing or sitting
  • Obesity and excess weight
  • Pregnancy
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Previous leg injuries or surgeries
  • Family history of venous insufficiency

Identifying Stasis Dermatitis Symptoms

Recognizing the symptoms of stasis dermatitis is crucial for early diagnosis and intervention. Individuals experiencing this condition may notice the following:

  • Red and inflamed skin on the lower legs and ankles
  • Itching and dryness
  • Swelling and edema
  • Discoloration of the skin, typically brownish or purplish
  • Ulcers or open sores that are slow to heal

Effective Management Techniques

Truffles Vein Specialists, your trusted experts in vascular medicine, offer a range of treatment options to effectively manage stasis dermatitis. Treatment plans are tailored to each patient's unique needs and may include:

  1. Compression Therapy: Utilizing specialized stockings or wraps to improve blood circulation and reduce swelling.
  2. Topical Medications: Prescription creams or ointments to relieve inflammation and itchiness.
  3. Elevation: Elevating the legs helps to reduce swelling and promote better blood flow.
  4. Wound Care: If ulcers or open sores are present, specialized dressings and wound care techniques may be employed to facilitate healing.
  5. Minimally Invasive Procedures: In some cases, procedures such as endovenous ablation or sclerotherapy may be recommended to address underlying venous insufficiency and relieve symptoms.

Preventing Stasis Dermatitis

While stasis dermatitis may not always be completely preventable, certain measures can reduce the risk and severity of the condition. These include:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Regular exercise to improve circulation
  • Avoiding prolonged periods of sitting or standing
  • Keeping the legs elevated when resting
  • Wearing compression stockings as advised by your healthcare provider
  • Managing underlying conditions such as diabetes or hypertension


Stasis dermatitis, caused by venous insufficiency, can be a challenging condition to manage. Truffles Vein Specialists, with their expertise in vascular medicine, provide effective treatment options and guidance to individuals experiencing this condition. By understanding the causes and symptoms of stasis dermatitis, as well as implementing preventive measures, patients can improve their quality of life and find relief from discomfort. Reach out to Truffles Vein Specialists today for comprehensive care and support.

stasis dermatitis causes
